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This would also be a great spot for a top product pitch.
Recent Updates...
Updated Jan 2025
For a list of repeaters frequencies by location click here.
Freq. list below updated Mar 01/24
Linked Systems:
1. VE6MPR 444.7875 + PL 186.2 FM/P25
Linked to 444.7875 below
VE6AMP 147.030 - PL 131.8
VA6TWO 147.390+ PL 100.0 (remote-YYC)
2. VE6CPT 442.200+ PL 151.4 (FM/P25)
Linked to 442.200 below:
53.390 Smplx PL 131.8 (Calgary)
146.805 - PL 131.8 (NW Calgary)
224.880 - 1.6M PL 131.8 (Calgary)
224.940 - 1.6M PL 131.8 (Hailstone)
note: linked repeaters not P25 capable
900 MHz Repeaters (all are FM/P25)
VA6TWO 927.0125 -25M PL 131.8/151.4
VA6TRE 927.7250 -25M PL 131.8/151.4
VE6WRT 927.800 Simplex Rpt PL 131.8
- Located on Hailstone Mtn (FM Only)
1.2 GHZ Repeaters
VE6AMC 1287.500 MHz -20M PL 131.8
This repeater is now running in Mix mode:
Dstar and FM. Generally connected to
XLX197 B using DStar.
Yaesu System Fusion Repeaters
VE6RPT 146.940- PL 131.8 FM/C4FM
VE6WRT 147.390+ PL 131.8 FM/C4FM
(Hailstone) OFFLINE till Spring /25
VA6FSN 444.825+ PL 151.4 C4FM C47
VE6FON 443.700+ PL 131.8 C4FM C47
DMR Repeaters
VE6WRN 444.925+ DMR Only
VE6WRO 927.050- DMR Only
The two DMR repeaters are linked together
at all time on Slot 1 only.
Dstar Repeaters
VE6RPT-B 444.900+ Link to XLX197B
VE6WRE-C 146.670- Link to XLX197B
VE6AMC-A 1287.500- Link to XLX197B
The above DStar Repeaters are now mix
mode capable.
Stand alone Repeaters
VE6RPT 146.940 - PL 131.8 FM/C4FM
- WiresX
VA6TWO Simplex Rpt 147.495 PL131.8
Packet data network / CW Beacons
145.050 Mhz 1200 baud
CW Beacon 050.074 Mhz Continuous
CW Beacon 432.325 Mhz Continuous
CW Beacon 144.275 Mhz Continuous
Note: VA6TWO 147.390+ PL100 remote same frequency also operates on Hailstone Butte as a repeater with a PL of 131.8.
VE7PNR 146.880- (OFFLINE)
VE7KNP 146.700 - PL 131.8 (Note: This repeater was moved from Kootenay to
Cranbrook BC)
P25 NAC codes are all 293
NETS: Alberta DStar Info Net
- Monday REF016(B) @ 20:00 MT
Ottawa DStar Net
- Tuesday XLX197 (B) @ 18:40 MT
Wildrose Amateur Radio
Calgary, Alberta - Canada
Site designed by Dale VE6CPK
Am I registered on DStar? Am I Registered on Fusion/Wires-X?
Special announcement. (Click Here) June 10/2023
- Patrick Nelson Obituary Click Here.
Jan.05.25 Honoring Pat's Callsign VE6CPT: Recently Pat's callsign was acquired by the Wildrose Network and it was decided to put his call on one of our main repeaters VA6TWO (442.200). Pat was a big instigator in getting this repeaater on the air as with many of our other repeaters. He will certainly be missed but his callsign will live on.
As always we would like to thank the individuals that help keep all this hardware running. The cost of putting in the hardware has mostly come out of a few dedicated hams but the on-going cost is what we need help with. Please check out this page to check your status. And if you want to become a supporter or a member of the Wildrose please contact Dale VE6CPK or Mike VE6AMC.
We currently support 1-6M remote, 4 VHF, 2-220, 4 UHF, 2-900 and 1-23cm repeaters. We also support 4 different digital modes, DStar, Fusion, DMR and P25 (VHF, UHF, and now P25 on 900). We also recently installed 3-CW beacons on VHF/UHF and 6M and are broadcasting continuously.
For a Current list of Supporters/Expires for 2025 see the WR Supporters.
It's easy to send funds our way by clicking on the PayPal button at the top of this page.
You can check the status of your membership by clicking here:
And remember to let us know if your are a RAC supporter as this will help lower our insurance cost.
Thanks.......Your Wild Rose Network Team
Dec.31.24 Once again thanks to all those that help with funds to pay our insurance cost for the year. It is much appreciated.
Your Wild Rose Network Team
Oct.21.24 Note that the VHF repeater on Hailstonme Mtn. has been turned off for the rest of Fall/Winter and will return in the Spring. The 220 repeater continues to operate at this time.
Mar.01.24 The Maria Wind is starting to calm down once again and the Wildrose Network has undergone a lot of changes over the last few months. Please check the list to the right for all the updates. A few more yet to come so stay tune.
Nov.08.23 VE6WRO 900 has now been converted to a 900 mhz DMR only repeater and the location has been move to the Odyssey. Coverage so far appears to be very good. More information can be found here:
Oct.28.23 Please note with the lack of use on VE6RPT it was decided to add WiresX to it. The repeater will run both Fusion and FM depending on your access mode. If you need further information on the use of WiresX please contact VE6EN, VE6AMC or VE6CPK.
Sep.29.23 The repeater VE6RPT has been swapped out for a newer Fusion repeater as the existing repeater had been causing some issues for sometime. It took a lot of time and babysitting to keep it going. Hopefuly the newer one will be a little better and more reliable. The old repeater was a FM/P25 machine while the new one is a FM/C4FM. Yaesu Fusion. It is running in mix mode so either FM or digital will work. Thanks goes to Mike VE6AMC and Dale VE6CPK for doing the swap
May.19.23 The Wildrose Group today has put up another CW Beacon on 50.075 Mhz using a PAR Electronics OA-50 OMNI-Angle Antenna currently running about 10 watts. Thanks to Mike VE6AMC, Tino VE6MB and myself Dale VE6CPK for there help with the install. The installation went smoothly. Note our other Beacon frequencies to the right in the blue area.
Oct.16.22 Don VE7DXE has added a extention to our Swap-N-Shop page which will also send you to many other items for sale across Alberta and Canada. Click on the link below the Swap-N-Shop link to the right.
Sep.15.22 Recently we have established two CW Beacons on VHF and UHF. Thanks to Mike, Tino and Dale with help for installing the VHF beacon. See WRN Repeater list for frequencies.
May.01.21 The Wildrose Networks has implemented two DSTAR Repeaters on the West side of Calgary. The UHF repeater gives pretty good Calgary coverage as well as to the West. The VHF repeater coverage is mostly west of Calgary including Cochrane and Bragg Creek. See WRN Repeater updates for frequencies. Currently these two repeaters are linked to XLX196 and include a bunch of repeaters in the Ottawa area. For repeater/gateway access be sure to have Your Call set to CQCQCQ and RPT1/2 to the Local Repeater/Gateway.
May.10.20 Covid-19 and Amateur Radio. Covid-19 and ARRL.

Jan 5.2025
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Vistors Since Oct 15/13 to Aug 15/15 was 4700
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RadioWorld/GPS Central
WRN Repeaters
New Counter starting Aug 15/15
Calgary, Alberta Canada
51.0438 N 114.0628 W DO21XB